84 Exhibitions with MAC USP Collection

The information is in constant updating and in this section there are only the exhibitions that MAC USP Collection took part in. Should you need any assistance, please contact the MAC USP team.
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16 Artistas Baianos
1956 - desconhecida

50 Anos de Paisagem Brasileira
02/1956 - 03/1956

Arte Moderno en Brasil
25/06/1957 - 28/07/1957

Artistas da Bahia
01/1957 - desconhecida

Artistas Italianos do Acervo
01/1952 - 01/1952

Artistes Brésiliens
04/1955 - 05/1955

Art yougoslave d'aujourd'hui
11/1959 - 11/1959

Cent Tableaux de Modigliani
1958 - desconhecida

12/1950 - desconhecida

02/1959 - desconhecida

09/1956 - 09/1956

04/1952 - 04/1952

Exposição do Retrato Moderno
1956 - desconhecida

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